[Apr 16, 19:17] Moneypenny [e-mail]
We tried to set up a webserver here at work with Debian. It not only took a hell of a long time to get set up (including an engineer having to hack network and display drivers) but once it was set up we decided to just say fuck it and go with Win2K Server with Apache.

[Apr 16, 21:15] Luke [e-mail]
It's been a fucking nightmare here. I decided to start over so I could go with the 2.4 kernel. Well, it seems as if something always gets screwed up with the package installation. And I have yet to get X to even think about starting up. Son of a bitch.

[Apr 25, 13:54] yam [e-mail]
Dude, do yourself a favor. Download Knoppix, burn the ISO to a CD and boot that. From there, load a root xterm and enter "knx-hdinstall".

This copies the fully functioning and configured system to a hard drive partition. Then use apt-get or aptitude (avoid dselect at all costs! ) to add or delete packages.

Debian install is the most mind-numbingly difficult of any Free*NIX I've ever used. But once you get over that (using the Knoppix jump-start, of course), apt-get rocks.

[Apr 25, 17:04] Luke [e-mail]
Hmm...I'll have to check that out. Thanks.





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