[Mar 9, 23:47] Alandovos
Where is all of your anti-religion coming from?

[Mar 10, 00:06] Luke [e-mail]
Oh, it's nothing new, really.

[Mar 10, 00:26] Moneypenny [e-mail]

[Mar 10, 10:37] Alandovos
You'd better be careful to avoid broad overgeneralizations otherwise you might sound like.... BUSH

[Mar 10, 10:57] Luke [e-mail]
A few things:

- if one wants to be spiritual (I'm not, but that's another matter), one doesn't need organized religion to do so.

- calling homosexuality a sin is nothing more than trying to justify being a bigot.

Not all religion is like this. I know plenty of people who are religious who are able to filter what they are told to believe. But I've also seen way too many people who are either totally influenced by their religion, and/or use things like the bible to justify their sorry doings. "But the bible says that the purpose of women is to serve men." Ugg.

The main difference between most religions and cults is religions have a lot more people believing in them...

[Mar 10, 12:47] Alandovos
I won't let you have your cake and eat it too. I agree that there are fanatics for any cause that take things too far but any kind of blanket statement that religions are cults is crap.

If one chooses to be spiritual within an organized religion that is their choice, using that religion as an excuse not to think is something I have a big problem with. It seems that too many of the "fundamentalists" and political conservatives can do nothing but quote their leader of choice and not form their own opinions
I should show you the official catholic stance on conscience, I almost guarentee that it won't be what you expect.

Using Jerry Falwell or that site that you posted on whazzmaster to shape your views on religion is like judging all Arabs by what Bush tells you to belive.

[Mar 10, 12:48] Alandovos
ps I'm not trying to convert you, just enlighten and help you to focus your ire.

[Mar 10, 13:37] Luke [e-mail]
Well, you're right of course in that trying to say that (all) religions are bad is like saying that all Muslims are terrorists or something. That's a bit too Rush-esque.

Yet I don't think my cult comment is all that wrong, at least to a certain degree. One of the definitions Encarta gives is "a system of religious or spiritual beliefs, especially an informal and transient belief system regarded by others as misguided or unorthodox". It's just that once millions of people believe the same thing, it becomes less misguided or unorthodox.

As you say, the ones who really scare me are the ones who can't (or won't) form their own opinions. And unfortunately, that's a LOT of people. I mean, at the most basic level, how many people do you think have *really* thought about the importance of God, Jesus, etc., and not just thought "well of course there's a God and Jesus is our savior, that's what I've been taught all my life"?

[Mar 19, 17:05] frick
fill it with your cack.

[Mar 19, 17:42] Luke [e-mail]





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