[Dec 22, 16:51] Moneypenny [e-mail]
Just wanted to drop a line and say that I hate you for one, and for two where in the blue hell did you find this damn html file? C'mon, cut a brother some slack, I was using warezed Photoshop and Adobe Pagemill 2 dot freakin 0 at the time. Wow, this is more embarassing than finding those pictures of you naked in the bathtub at twenty... er, I mean two years old.

On the other hand, if someone could get me a version of Quake that would somehow magically work on my Win2K machine, I would gladly suit up for one more go at all the DM__ levels.

--whazz on

[Dec 22, 16:54] Luke [e-mail]
It's actually been sitting in my directory for years - I just never had it linked from anywhere.

If it makes you feel better, I think I did at least some of the graphics on *this* version, so...

[Dec 24, 00:57] Leanne [e-mail]
ugh. Okay, this has nothing to do with your file...but couldn't remember email address... Silly Leanne

Check out these links http://www.albuquerquebaseball.com http://www.isotopestore.com/

It's all for real...I swear...The Simpsons are taking over the world!

[Dec 24, 01:52] Luke [e-mail]
I like it...:-)





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