[Dec 11, 16:29] Amy [e-mail]
Can we start praying for a paycheck. And Blargh I forgot there were fortune cookies.

[Dec 11, 22:15] Brian Stearns
Mmmm money.

Amy, did you forget fortune cookies existed in general or what?

[Dec 12, 12:06] Alandovos
What does the magic 8 ball say? Or have you called Ms. Cleo? Its always best to confirm your fortunes.

[Dec 12, 14:22] Luke [e-mail]
Don't have a magic 8 ball, and I think Ms. Cleo is currently under investigation by the government.

[Dec 18, 23:26] Erin [e-mail]
I have a magic DATE ball, joke party gift.....





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