[Dec 10, 19:29] Alandovos
This is much less interesting than the killer robot's at Zach's site...

[Dec 10, 20:03] Luke [e-mail]
Hrmm...if I had some killer robots I'd talk about them...

[Dec 10, 20:49] Moneypenny [e-mail]
Look, I don't know what you're trying to infer here. I would much rather live a killer-robot-free life, but apparently some freak has it in for me and has a degree in nanotechnology. I wouldn't wish this insanity on my worst enemy other than Eric Schaeffer, Paul Hermes, most of the people I work with, my CS 520 TA, my Math 222 professor (the first one), most of the Backstreet Boys, Alan Ralsky the Spam King, and every single driver in Northern California.

[Dec 10, 20:53] Luke [e-mail]
Dear God. Memories of math 222 and you going on about your 520 TA. Priceless.

Think he's living out of his office somewhere?





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