[Nov 3, 22:49] Alandovos
I loved this article too but there are two things that came up.

  1. People won't do it because "it hasn't been done that way before and gal darn it I won't change now" (think old people)
  2. And another comment I got was "I want my vote to only go for the one person I want to win"
I personally would want to see the results of change (try a smaller local election as a sample)

[Nov 3, 22:50] Alandovos
I'm surpised not to see something on Treehouse of Horror 13 Worst Episode Ever!

[Nov 3, 23:18] Luke [e-mail]
Oh, I agree about resistance. I can see it now: "it was good enough for George Washington, so it is good enough for me." Think old *and* stupid...

Didn't catch the latest THOH. I think I was in the car at the time. Shit, I haven't seen many new episodes lately.

[Nov 4, 12:38] Zach
This was the first new episode, don't worry too much it was craptacular

[Nov 4, 12:40] Moneypenny [e-mail]
Really? You think so? I thought... wait... now that I think about it it was craptacular. Not very funny at all. Kah-poot.

[Nov 4, 12:51] Luke [e-mail]
I just meant I haven't seen many new episodes in recent seasons...





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