[Aug 28, 00:21] Moneypenny [e-mail]
If it makes you feel any better, Luke, I wouldn't let you drive my car and I sure as hell wouldn't let you anywhere near my kid.

[Aug 28, 09:04] Luke [e-mail]
You and Erin been up to stuff the rest of us don't know about?

[Aug 28, 16:29] Ron [e-mail]
Mr. P., would you consider moving to St. Louis to work as a programmer-trainee for the United States Postal Service? Acyually, I have no major hiring control here, as I'm only here because my job moved from NYC! Anyway, St. Louis is a nice town if you can stand the humidity from June thru mid-September.

[Aug 29, 10:48] Luke [e-mail]
Well, I'm really looking to stay in Madison, for quite a few reasons, actually.

I'm from Wisconsin - I know all about humidity...<g>

[Aug 29, 15:06] Toni [e-mail]
Having found myself with a few spare moments I decided to check out your URL. Imagine my surprise to see your birthdate right on your homepage. Ah, Luke. So young to be so cynical!!

Toni (from Odds and Sods, The Who's internet fan club)

P.S. Incidentally, I'm a cheesehead too.

[Aug 29, 18:51] Moneypenny [e-mail]
Luke? Cynical?

[Sep 3, 11:31] Moneypenny [e-mail]
Luke, FYI The Who Simpsons episode was on here on Monday night. Just thought you'd like to know in case you build a cross-country time-machine for Simpsons episode-watching-use.





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