[Jun 21, 15:00] Luke [e-mail]
What's even more absurd is I got two copies - one to my CS account and one to my main address. Go figure.

Off to Spam Cop...

[Jun 22, 22:49] Farmgirl29288 [e-mail]
Luke, this special offer was just for you!

Now I feel sad :(

[Jun 22, 23:22] Luke [e-mail]
I guess Zach read my site today...

[Jun 26, 06:59] Lance L Hall [e-mail]

I keep getting that stuff in my mailbox to. I believe there are automated programs that go around to websites and collect email addresses (They must be working overtime!). I have my email address posted only to genealogy sites.

Lance Hall

[Jun 26, 09:15] Luke [e-mail]
Oh, I know. It's just that this was one of the stranger ones I've seen.

[Jun 29, 21:25] tom [e-mail]
they get your email address even from accessing websites, if a cookie is places on your computer, they got your address. jeez im even getting spam on email addresses created just to see how much spam id get without ever posting them anywhere. and within posting this, i just now got a spam email.





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