[Sep 5, 2006, 21:49] musevia
Good idea. Have you SEEN the spam over at bruppert.com? It's terrifying.

[Sep 5, 2006, 22:12] Luke [e-mail]
It isn't working as well as I had hoped.

[Sep 6, 2006, 09:15] Luke [e-mail]
Update - I was still getting a lot of spam comments from clients that didn't send a referrer. As such, I've blocked comments from clients that don't send it. I'll probably need to create some type of workaround, so shoot me an e-mail if you have it turned off in your browser.

[Sep 6, 2006, 15:43] Ruppert
Comment spam is very annoying. I thought it had gone away, but it turned out that it was still going on, it just wasn't visible anywhere. They were still posting comments on an "article" that had gone out of the archive window (you can only see stuff up to six months old), so it was taking up space in the database but not actually visible to anyone.

They don't appear to care if what they're doing makes absolutely no sense and has no chance of actually appearing anywhere. Let's see if my latest tricks actually do any good..

[Sep 6, 2006, 15:47] Terry
Blogger uses character verification, so spammers can't use bots, at least. I don't know if you'd be able to set up anything similar.

[Sep 6, 2006, 15:47] Luke [e-mail]
Yeah, what's really odd is my forum. I was getting lots of spam, so I set things so I had to manually activate each new user. And now I get more people than ever trying to register. Initially I thought they were bots, but I realized that I've got image verification enabled. So someone is actually manually registering every time. I've even got a message posted telling prospective members that spam accounts will be quickly deleted.





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