[Dec 29, 2005, 10:51] Terry
Are you saying that the construction dates are strange?

I'm guessing two possibilities.

1) Older houses were torn down and newer ones built.

2) Vacant lots between older homes were filled with newer homes.

[Dec 29, 2005, 17:44] Luke [e-mail]
Well, it seems unlikely to me that so many homes would have been torn down. How often does that happen these days?

I'm thinking vacant lots, but it's still strange that those lots would sit vacant for so long.

[Dec 30, 2005, 07:44] Terry
That depends on who owned the parcels while they were vacant. If they were previously "attached" to an older house next door, a number of years could have elapsed before the owner sold the parcel and someone built on it.

You see this kind of thing in older neighboorhoods all over the state: the large Victorian houses with Craftsman or American Folk houses in between, and then a post-War ranch here and there.





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