[Aug 9, 11:20] Dob
But at one point, in the distant past, wasn't there "NO argument" that the world was indeed flat?

I realize that it's silly to compare the science of today with the science (if you can call it that) of the ancients, and I'm not arguing in favor of teaching intelligent design in science class.

Some of the things we accept today with "NO argument" as unshakeable truths may be scorned as laughably primitive by future scientists.

[Aug 10, 09:32] Rspaight
While we can't predict the future, evolution is the best explanation science has right now, and its certainly well-accepted enough to be taught as science. While a different and superior scientific theory could conceivably supplant it in the future, none of the "alternatives" being pushed by Bush and others are remotely close to fitting that description.

[Aug 10, 10:28] Dob
Agreed...and I also realize that the "NO argument" statement was meant to emphasize that there is no controversy -- among scientists -- regarding whether evolution actually occurred.





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