[Jul 7, 12:53] Moneypenny
Why in the blue hell did you suddenly get an inkling for koosh balls. fer christs sakes.

[Jul 7, 13:01] Luke [e-mail]
Long story, but we wanted them to help with various frustrations. Political stuff.

[Jul 10, 12:24] anonymous
They have something like Koosh at the Museum of Science & Industry in Chicago, but they call them something else and they're reversible. They look like round, soft rubber balls, but when you take them out of the mesh net, you notice a hole in them and when you invert them, wallah, Koosh.

BTW, the Museum of Science & Industry does have a cool exhibit going on involving human anatomy. Constructed from deceased who donated their bodies to science, and using 'plasticization' as a way of preservation, it's REALLY cool. I highly recommend it. Just see the museum's submarine first, which closes at 5pm, before heading over to the anatomy exhibit, which closes hours later.

[Jul 11, 23:48] burstingsun [e-mail]
For political frustration? Planning to throw them at certain alders? Interesting thought -- attend City Council meetings and every time Cindy Thomas or Judy Compton say something stupid, nail them with a Koosh ball. Hmmm... Thought about water balloons?

And shame on you for heading to Wal-Mart!!!

[Jul 11, 23:48] burstingsun [e-mail]
For political frustration? Planning to throw them at certain alders? Interesting thought -- attend City Council meetings and every time Cindy Thomas or Judy Compton say something stupid, nail them with a Koosh ball. Hmmm... Thought about water balloons?

And shame on you for heading to Wal-Mart!!!

[Jul 11, 23:49] burstingsun [e-mail]
Oops -- sorry for the double posting. Having some problems with my DSL getting stuck. Care to figure it out for me, by the way, Luke?





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