[Jun 20, 08:03] Rspaight

Dear Lord. I can't believe people buy this crap.

Let's review how wrong this one short paragraph is:

1) Iraq didn't attack us. Osama bin Laden did. Osama bin Laden, according to current reports, is alive and well. But we got Saddam. Who, again, didn't attack us.

2) The "world's terrorists" didn't make Iraq the "central front in the war on terror." We did.

3) As such, rather than "losing" "recruiting grounds," it seems to me that we've turned Iraq into the biggest terrorist recruiting ground in human history.

Up next - Bush discusses how $60/barrel oil represents an opportunity to invest in a Hummer.

[Jun 20, 08:09] Luke [e-mail]
There you go trying to be *logical* again.





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