[May 26, 13:16] Amy [e-mail]
Bit since the UW gave into Steve Brown, there is a new housing market open. Actully I bet he will bitch about this, since students won't want to live in his slums apartments.

[May 26, 15:26] Bill Patterson [e-mail]
I have asked developers about this issue of supply and demand. They say that there is always a market for quality housing. This is why 3 homes are being demolished and 2 moved on the 400 block of W. Gorham, so a new 12 story student apartment building can be built.

I asked some real estate graduate students about this and they said that lenders give money based upon previous relationships with the developer. If the relationship is good, they will lend more money.

Another person I know said that this is entirely correct and that there will have to be some foreclosures before lending instituion boards look more into the feasibility of developments.





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