[May 1, 02:45] chris [e-mail]
No, ASM, wasn't an official "organizer" of the Mifflen Block party (and one could surmise that some sort of party would have happened on the 30th), they did "request" that the date be changed. I applaud the city council for at least publicly recognizing that the UW students are not the only constituents that have any say in the city of Madison, and for at least attempting to make students realize that there is a cost for their actions (this last said as a one-time resident of Madison that chaffed at some students treatment of that fine city as their personal toilet).

[May 1, 10:19] Luke [e-mail]
Actually, Mayor Dave invited ASM to talk with him.

If you're going after "the students", why limit it to ASM? How about the UW itself, for bringing all those kids into town? Or how about all the liquor stores in town, for selling the stuff that makes cops a requirement?

How about the residents there? And people from out of the area?





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