[Mar 25, 11:24] Terry [e-mail]
Whether she knows Terri or not, I think she's just as guilty of manipulating language for her own ends, just as she accuses everyone else of doing, even stooping so low as to compare some writers to Nazi propagandists.

The fact that this is so big in the media during Holy Week is a coincidence. In my opinion, it should have never gotten this far, and it if hadn't, it would have been done long before Holy Week.

I find it somewhat ironic that a Jewish woman is bringing this up. Is she ignorant of Torah law? How many patriarchs had more than one wife, and how many fathered children on not only multiples wives, but servants and slaves? So much of the Torah is about keeping the Hebrew race alive. According to the Torah, Mr. Shiavo is in the right to father children with another woman if Terri is unable to. People with various afflictions, such as Terri's, were outcasts in the ancient Hebrew world. They would not have been allowed inside camps, cities, or into the Tabernacle.





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