[Feb 3, 10:35] Terry
Just remember where you work. With some exceptions, the workforce at WPS isn't exactly the cream of Madison's workforce crop. From what Maryanne has said, and what we've both heard from others, the best workers from WPS tend to be lured away to WEA, AmFam, and the other insurance companies in the area.

[Feb 3, 13:42] Moneypenny
Also remember that if any of the people who gave that estimate had worked in the industry for awhile you probably got a Developer Estimate which included enough testing time to ensure that WHEN something went wrong they could say, "was it in the test plan?" Personally, I'm trhough with doing any coding that doesn't have a strict plan and buy-in behind it. Going off and inventing stuff only brought me more work when it needed to be updated/fixed, and by that time there wasn't space on my schedule to do that work.

[Feb 3, 21:06] Maryanne
WPS is merely a training ground...They know how to train..it's just too bad they can't get anything else right. I was told that the first week I had started training back in 2000. Nothing surprises me when it comes to that company.

[Feb 3, 22:22] Moneypenny
By the way-- had to add that I fucking hate VB. Back when I was a tools & automation engineer, anything I found in VB I rewrote in Perl. These days I'd probably do it in C#.

[Feb 6, 21:31] Luke [e-mail]
A few things...

1) The hourly and salaried realms are worlds apart at WPS. As are, say, Tricare and IS. That's not to say everyone in IS is great, but I still wasn't expecting this.

2) Even with *thorough* testing, this shouldn't have taken more than a few hours. And it didn't. Ahh, well...

[Feb 7, 08:15] Rspaight
They probably figured that if they gave you a high estimate, you'd go do it yourself. Then, they'd be off the hook if there were any problems. Sounds like it worked.

The prime motivator in IT isn't to get things done, it's to avoid blame.

[Feb 14, 09:32] Moneypenny
Yo Luke! Check this out. WPS has some pretty spectacularly fucked up linking policies. DON'T LINK TO US!





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