[Jun 29, 10:55] Terry
Ah, yes, those were the days.... The days when you could go to Radio Shack and buy... radio parts! And build your own radio with them! What a concept!

Alas, now they seem no better than Electronics Boutique.

[Jun 29, 16:33] Moneypenny [e-mail]



Never ever ever ever shop there. Please. They turned me prejudiced against foreigners. I was a good PC lad before Fry's. Now I hate all people.

[Jun 29, 20:51] Alandovos
Bullshit, you've always hated people.

[Jun 30, 00:29] Luke [e-mail]
You can actually still get radio parts at Radio Shack, at the least the few I've been in. But the focus is clearly off of that stuff, and the staff is usually clueless. Although there actually is a decent one on Fish Hatchery that's run by a couple of older guys who actually seem to know what they are talking about.

As far as Fry's goes, it seems kind of dumpy, but it's cool that all that stuff is in one spot.

[Jun 30, 12:49] Moneypenny [e-mail]
Cool that all that RETURNED BROKE-DICK MERCHANDISE is all one spot?! Holy hell, just come to the ones up here. You'd lose your goddamned mind. And I haven't always hated everyone. I was a kind-hearted soul once. But that was a long time ago; before Bush, before Fry's, and before the Madd Fucking Scientist.





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