[May 5, 14:32] Terry [e-mail]
I think I had a similar experience regarding my high school calculus teacher, Mr. Jacobs. When I went to Carroll I was able to get AP credits for Calculus I, but I also found that Mr. Jacobs had covered the material for Calculus II, and some of Calculus III. It turns out what I wasn't prepared for was Differential Equations, which totally kicked my ass.

[May 6, 11:24] Alandovos
Luke if you're really coming for Memorial Day we should start setting up plans. I'll try to call your cell tonight.

[May 6, 16:47] Moneypenny
It's d bottom times the top minus d top times the bottom all over the bottom squaaaaaaaared! It's the quotient rule, that I shouuuuuld know, to make AP Calculus fun!



I still remember that. A testament to Mr. Ertl's ability. I can't remember what I did last fucking night.

[May 6, 16:47] Moneypenny
By the way-- I can't believe I was the first person to post that.

[May 6, 18:19] Luke [e-mail]
Wow. I guess I had pushed that one out of my mind. Then again, I think I've pushed calc in general out of my mind.

But don't forget:

"Crete is an island in the Aegean Sea..."


"J. Edgar Hoover had a broken wrist."





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