[Aug 11, 07:40] carrie
that's all from one night?

[Aug 11, 07:41] Luke [e-mail]
All the same *dream*, actually.

[Aug 11, 09:39] Alandovos
You want to see too much to drink check out whazzmaster. Btw whatever happened to the cards for plane tix plan?

[Aug 11, 09:41] Luke [e-mail]
I've lost interest (whatever I had initially) in Whazzmaster.

I thought you didn't need the cards because you were getting them elsewhere.

This was strange - I load the page and I see your post. "WTF, I didn't get that post via e-mail." Check my e-mail - there it is. Apparently you posted immediately before I loaded the page.

[Aug 11, 09:58] Alandovos
I'm good like that :) The interest in the cards is still there, have Amy shoot me an e-mail if she finds the rest of them that she thought were ?at her parent's house?

[Aug 11, 10:48] Luke [e-mail]
I found them. Well, some of them anyway.

[Aug 11, 12:34] Alandovos
But you don't know enought to tell me anything useful :)





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