[Jul 11, 10:05] Ron F [e-mail]
Luke, whatever language you're programming in, just make sure the string you're changing contains a "@", otherwise ignore the string

[Jul 11, 13:50] Terry [e-mail]
Ditto to that. I was thinking the same thing. If it were me, I'd check for a @, replace the . and then go back through again and replace the @s.

That sentence looks damn silly.

[Jul 11, 21:22] Luke [e-mail]
The thing is, though, the string you're working on is essentially an entire file - there isn't one string for the e-mail, one for the message, etc. If that were the case, the exercise would be trivial.

[Jul 14, 10:31] Greg [e-mail]
The easiest way to handle this is a two fold approach. First you'd go through the document and compare each word in the document with a regexp like this:


That will match an email address (or any text in the format of: @.

Then once you find a match for an address you can do a global replace in that particular word.

- Greg

[Jul 14, 10:31] Greg [e-mail]
Errr in the format of: <word>l@<word>.<2 or 3 char word>

[Jul 14, 10:37] Luke [e-mail]
So basically search the whole file for e-mail addresses, fill up an array with the results, and then run a search on the whole file for each entry in the array and replace it with a corrected version?

That might work, although I was hoping things wouldn't get that drawn out. We'll see.

[Jul 14, 11:11] Luke [e-mail]
Ok, this works...





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