[Jun 22, 21:56]Alandovos Well last night I dreamt
1) That I was in LA and had we had to evacuate and everyone was being told to go north, but I wanted to go south to get back to Arizona.
2) That I was at some kind of camp and my awful roomate from sophmore year popped in.
What the hell was I doing with that asshole in my dream?
Which of us was in yours?
[Jun 22, 22:05]Luke [e-mail] You, I think. But it wasn't a real class we had.
Luckily such a thing never happened for real. Any avoided classes were done on purpose.
[Jun 23, 19:12]Alandovos Did Amy get rid of all her Crack: the Addiction cards? I'm starting to play again.
[Jun 23, 23:14]Erin I had a dream the other night that some girls at some sort of council meeting were trying to ruin my snacks, and I knew it, and I ate the brownies anyway... they poured hot pepper on them and I had to run for water. I guess I was trying to be tough. Then I got all worried because I thought I had missed an orchestra concert - which I did do this year.... but you're right, it is nice to wake up and think "I graduated.... at least I think I graduated."
[Jun 24, 10:06]Alandovos http://www.haxial.com/spls-soapbox/apple-powermac-G5/ if you haven't seen it on /. yet. I love the rants at the bottom. Priceless!
[Jun 24, 12:43]Luke [e-mail] Yeah, I saw that. Idiots.
[Jun 24, 12:55]Alandovos What about the cards?
[Jun 24, 12:56]Luke [e-mail] I think she still has a bunch.
[Jun 24, 15:00]Alandovos You guys need money right? :)
[Jun 24, 19:06]Moneypenny zzzzzzzot. I saw the Appizzle nizzle-shizzling on dotslash, and I can confidently say that I still want a G5. What about you, Lukas?
[Jun 24, 19:13]Luke [e-mail] I wouldn't complain if I got one, I can tell you that.
[Jun 25, 15:07]Amy [e-mail] Don't be getting your hopes up...
[Jun 25, 16:43]Alandovos Sell me your children.... err I mean cards :) Then Luke can buy his G5, unless we work out that other swap...