[Mar 17, 13:10]Alandovos That he's a good-ol boy cowboy?
[Mar 17, 16:05]Mark [e-mail] That he is not a pacifistic Sheep.
[Mar 17, 16:10]Alandovos By attacking a country that has not attacked us, good job with that. Actually I bet you're thinking bad thoughts about me Mark, maybe I should come kick your ass, but probably not since you don't have any oil.
[Mar 17, 16:15]Mark [e-mail] They have not complied with the UN for years, they gas thier own people. I am not thinking bad thoughts about you at all. I don't care about oil, I care about what he can do to us now and down the road.
[Mar 17, 16:23]Luke [e-mail] First of all, Mark, who are you, and what are you doing here? I'm not about to remove your comments, but your presence here seems a bit odd.
Second, simply not complying with the UN shouldn't be a ticket for war. Do you honestly believe that war is the only way to rectify the problems in Iraq?
Third, plenty of other countries don't comply with the UN, and plenty of other countries have evil dictators that do bad things to their people. What makes Iraq more deserving of war than any of those countries?
[Mar 17, 16:35]Alandovos Oil stupid!
[Mar 17, 16:46]Alandovos btw Mark you have 72 hours to prove you aren't thinking bad thoughts about me otherwise I will come kick your ass. I can't believe you, because you are obviously a liar.
If you don't understand the analogy I apologize
[Mar 18, 21:33]Mark Hello Luke,
I saw your link on another webpage and came by. I happend to open this thread and posted a reply.
I think removing Saddam will help Iraq and the middle east for many reasons. I feel the longer we wait the worse it will be. The UN has failed miserably.
[Mar 18, 21:41]Mark Alandovos,
OK. I am not thinking bad thoughts. Because I am am telling you that now. Please do not judge me by my actions, just believe what I say. I would not lie. I have no weapons of mass destruction. My people love me and everyone voted for me in a free and open election. I am good to them. Our oil sales directly benefit our citizens as well. Look how good all they live from our oil exports. Just ask them, they really love me. Not convinced, just some of the US actors that visited recently. It is not like they are washed up and need a boost in thier carrers, please dont think that. They saw nothing wrong here. I was just joking when I wouldn't let the UN in for years. I really have nothing to hide. I don't test chemical weapons on my own people, simply becuase I dont have any chemical weapons. All is great in Iraq.
[Mar 19, 00:56]Luke [e-mail] I just posted this on Derek's site:
Joe, just to clarify, I don't believe there are any serious allegations that Iraq has nuclear weapons. And any proof that they have WMD is currently lacking.
No, I don't think Saddam is a good guy. But do you really think it's a good idea to launch a strike on a country that:
- has not threatened or attacked the US
- has allowed weapons inspectors free reign to investigate any sites they choose
- poses little threat to the US even if they had such weapons (just how exactly would they get them on US soil without us knowing about it?)
We've lived in peace with Saddam in power for the past 12 years. What has suddenly changed that necessitates war?
I don't buy the whole "we've tried diplomacy, and it didn't work" line. Is saying "give us your weapons or we'll bomb you" really diplomacy? Has anyone (other than Dan Rather) actually tried to sit down with Saddam and talk?
Iraq does not equal Al Qaeda, no matter how much Gee Dubba-ya would like us to believe.