[Jul 19, 2007, 15:28] JBP
Is this an indication of their organizational skills at that university?Something is surely out of kilter.

Do you want to move to N.Y. and start all over as a freshman??

Why should you get it now when the meeting was in April? Very wierd.

[Jul 19, 2007, 16:02] Amy
Sorry Witte is all out of rooms, but OGG has a few left. Don't ming the crane with the wrecking ball, thats just there for decoration...

[Jul 19, 2007, 18:38] Luke [e-mail]

"Thank you for your message. The e-mail about the New York Badger Sendoff Celebration was sent to you in error, and I apologize for the inconvenience. This message was intended to be sent only to new UW students in the New York City area and not to our alumni nor to people in other cities. We have fixed the technical problem with our list server to ensure that this error will not occur again. We have also made sure that these new members of the Badger family have received their invitations.

WAA wants to serve Badger alumni and friends by sharing only the information you find most useful. Please watch for future information about Wisconsin Alumni Association programs and events in your area. If you are interested in learning more about alumni programming in your area, please visit uwalumni.com/chapters to find the alumni chapter nearest to you."





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