[Jul 18, 2006, 11:31] Alandovos
This begs the question of keeping things for nostalgia vs keeping a lot of old crap you'll never use or do anything with again. Will I keep my Nintendo? Sure. Should I keep my He-Man figures and Castle Grayskull? Probably not. What about my copy of Super Glove Ball for the Nintendo? Probably won't play that again. Final Fantasy? Probaby so. So much shit... where to draw the line.

[Jul 21, 2006, 10:36] Narf
We recently pulled out the old NES ans SNES from the shed when we gave Pauline's parents their ATARI back. I hooked up the SNES (unfortunately we're missing the power supply for the NES) and am currently trying to teach the kids to play Super Mario World. One of my games was still on that one...

As far as what to save and what not to? We keep some of it. The rest, I download to my PC. I love emulators...





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