[Nov 7, 23:29] Luke [e-mail]
Safari too!

[Nov 8, 09:19] Terry
I like the new colors, as well as some of the layout changes you've made.

And don't worry.... Mozilla doesn't download my page correctly, either... but I think that's because it doesn't support embedded fonts like IE does.

[Nov 8, 09:38] Luke [e-mail]
Well, like I said, everything should look fine in Mozilla - it does on this end. I've actually had very good luck with Mozilla/Firefox.

I was speaking more to IE 3/4, Netscape 3/4 (before Mozilla came about) etc. Man, some of the tricks you had to use back then...

[Nov 8, 10:13] Moneypenny [e-mail]
1. Overall, I really like the new layout! 2. You using CSS to control formatting? You coding in XHTML (any style)? 3. One thing I highly recommend is to pad the left and right sidebars 5px on the right and left sides, respectively. Pad the center column 5px on both sides.

[Nov 8, 11:17] Terry
CSS makes style changes so much easier. It's like one-stop shopping.

I agree-- some cell padding would help bunches on your side bars.

[Nov 8, 15:39] Moneypenny [e-mail]
Don't laugh too much, but I'm still doing everything by hand...

Dude, I hope your'e not serious. Why would I respect you MORE if you used WYSIWYG? That's the hack way! You gotta get in there and code a fuckin XHTML compliant web site. A GUI editor ain't gonna do it for you.

[Nov 8, 16:25] Alandovos
The only fancy editor you should use is a text editor that colors things for you and maybe matches end braces.

I may not have much to say about HTML now, but it sure has been nice to write a bunch of code for school again :)

[Nov 8, 22:19] Moneypenny [e-mail]
By the way, Luke, your comment interface doesn't support the "strong" and "em" tags as replacements for "b" and "i" respectively. Just lettin ya know why my previous comment looks so fucked up.

[Nov 8, 23:40] Luke [e-mail]
No XHTML. CSS handles most of the stuff - check out the stylesheet for a big mess. I really need to clean it up. CSS rocks.

The center column actually *is* padded 5px (there are actually 5px columns on either side). Duly noted about the side columns. I'll work on that.

Yes, syntax coloring is a must. VIM is mighty nice on the UNIX side, while I'm still using BBEdit on the Mac. The "edit tag" features can be really, really nice, although VIM has nicer syntax coloring.

I'll take a look at strong and em. I have a feeling it has to do with how they interact with the stylesheet for the comments. This whole engine was something I found and which I've heavily modified. Obviously it needs further modifications. And at the moment I'm not quite sure why I even have the option of "allow HTML" - I'm thinking I should just always allow it. I'll look into it.

[Nov 9, 08:28] Terry
I was going to recommend VIM myself, especially if you have any familiarity with UNIX. I've been using the Windows version for a while.

[Nov 9, 10:15] Moneypenny
Oh yeah, and on Windows HTMLKit is the best freeware editor for HTML, PHP, and Perl. It r0xx0r.

[Nov 9, 10:16] Moneypenny


Maybe I just didn't click "allow HTML" last time. Let's see...

[Nov 9, 10:16] Moneypenny
Nope, that didn't work neither.

[Nov 9, 12:03] Alandovos
Does HTMLKit have find and replace with real regular expressions? That's the only thing that's keeping me on EditPlus.

[Nov 9, 14:19] Luke [e-mail]
Ok, everything should be all fixed now:

b, i, strong and em should all work. BTW, I tried strong and em with "allow HTML" turned on, and they worked for me.

Zach, the reason your post was messed up is because the engine relies on 'p class="message"' for formatting. Somehow there was a p tag in there without a class. I think I'm going to change how the styles are referenced, and do it so I'm not entering a class in every p tag, instead using a single div for the whole comments page or something (that's what I do on the home page).

And VI/VIM does regular expression matching;-)

[Nov 9, 14:30] Luke [e-mail]
BTW, in case you were wondering, the way HTML tags are handled is as such:

If you don't have "allow HTML" checked, PHP's strip_tags() is run. You can feed that stuff you don't want it to strip - in my case, a, b, i, p, br (and now) em and strong. Any tags other than that get stripped out.

With "allow HTML" on, however, nothing gets stripped out. I think I originally needed that to post a table.

The main thing I don't like now is all formatting and parsing gets done upon posting, vs upon reading. Thus, all formatting is pretty much hard coded in each comment file. It also means that if any em's and strong's used in the past are gone for good. Changing that around might be a good idea, although I'm not sure how I would handle "allow HTML" then.

[Nov 9, 16:58] Terry
Speaking of VIM....

Does anyone know how to change how many spaces it automatically indents your code if you set a syntax?

[Nov 9, 20:50] Luke [e-mail]
I think everything should be dandy now. I'm going a bit crazy over a path variable that doesn't seem to be set anywhere, but yet is still correct, but other than that, I think things are good.

Take a look at the style sheet if you are curious. For now there's still some garbage that I can't quite get rid of, and some new garbage for the archives. Ugg.

[Nov 9, 22:23] Moneypenny [e-mail]
HTMLKit does do regular expression matches, if I recall correclty. Next time I'm on my home or work desktop (i'm on my iBook right now) I'll check and update you.


[Nov 9, 23:00] Moneypenny
Yeah, HTMLKit has regex find/replace





allow HTML (use only if you know what you are doing)