[Oct 12, 20:36]Maryanne [e-mail] That would be the consensus of the majority of people at our workplace...it's sad...
[Oct 13, 11:06]Terry Sometimes you get what you pay for, and in the case of Wal-Mart vs. Target, this is usually the case.
[Oct 13, 14:58]Moneypenny [e-mail] So you work with a bunch of hillbilly rednecks? Fuck Wal*Mart. Those fucknuts can't tell me what kind of music I can listen to. Fuck them and their anti-worker agenda.
[Oct 22, 15:51]Moneypenny [e-mail] ~LUKE!!! I check your site multiple times per day for a new post. What has happened to you? I need Pacholski News.
[Oct 22, 15:55]Luke [e-mail] Yeah...I've thought about writing lately, but haven't. Let's see...