[May 14, 17:31] Terry [e-mail]
Personally, I think it's girls that age that are really that cruel and mean. Partially, I think it's the mentality that fat=ugly, and unfortunately, even a little "extra" weight labels you fat.

Dammit, women should have curves!

[May 14, 18:48] Luke [e-mail]
True, but by the look of the show, it was the guys who were being mean...

[May 15, 08:42] Maryanne [e-mail]
Yes, they can be that mean and both guys and girls alike can be equally as cruel. Unfortunately it happens more than what it should, so Hollywood doesn't have to do too much playing up. The fact that it's a daily occurance is far fetched but it's the once and while cruel comments that can really sting.





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