[Nov 13, 15:20]Alandovos What do you think of this: http://www.laweekly.com/ink/03/52/features-cooper.php
[Nov 13, 16:16]Luke [e-mail] Nice. I especially liked this:
The makers of the voting machines say no one can look inside of them, because they would reveal trade secrets. What secrets? Isn’t their job to count votes? Or do they get secret messages from Mars? Is the cure for cancer inside the machines? I mean, come on. And all three owners of the companies who make these machines are donors to the Bush administration. Is this not corruption?
[Nov 13, 18:12]Maryanne [e-mail] Irret wouldn't survive 1 minute on my floor then...lol
Textbook is the tool of the devil
[Nov 14, 10:03]Ron. [e-mail] Luke, did you pick the name Irret because she's irritating?
[Nov 14, 20:54]Luke [e-mail] No, but that works too.