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Amy Erin Kirstin Leanne Moneypenny Narf Ruppert Ryan Shannon Stearns recent photos: Day 15: July 6 Ahrndt Xmas, December 23, 2006 01-27-06 UP Trip 2005 July 2005 all photos Forums DOT lukpac.org The Leper Network political links: This Modern World Atrios Daily Kos Media Matters Crooks and Liars Atom feed Archives links ![]() |
I just finished reading Fast Food Nation. Excellent book. While I don't think I'll never eat fast food again, the book did open up my eyes a bit to how fast food has changed our nation. I'd encourage anyone who hasn't already to go read it - NOW! [9:31 AM] post a comment 7.26.2002 Net Users Try to Elude the Google Grasp What a load of crap. People are complaining that search engines like Google save things - often personal information - after they are removed from the Internet, and that this is somehow an invasion of their privacy. Well, you know what? Maybe if they wanted to keep their private lives private they shouldn't have put them on the web in the first place. Like it or not, once you make something "public", it stays that way. Try as you may to "unpublish" things, *someone* out there will have already read it and *someone* will have a copy. If you don't want people to read stories you wrote in elementary school about turtles, you shouldn't put them on the 'net. Simple as that. [9:16 AM] post a comment Hmm, not much has been happening lately. I'm still on the job hunt, which doesn't seem to be getting very far. Other than that it is "life as usual" I guess. Pretty soon I need to start packing up my apartment, as I need to be out of there by August 14th. Luckily I've already got my room all cleaned up. I guess nobody likes my WFS pictures... [8:57 AM] post a comment 7.15.2002 I've actually made a few updates to this site lately. First is my Stereo Stones page. I updated some discographical information, as well as added some information regarding the new CD/SACD discs due out in August. Take a look. Also, I FINALLY did something with all my pictures from the Western Field Studies trip. Two years ago I scanned them all in, but I never really did much with them. Well, yesterday I finally did. I put them all up on Pbase. Depending on what happens in the future, I might move them somewhere else (hopefully right on to this site), but for now, here they are. Let me know what you think of them. [8:07 PM] post a comment 7.13.2002 Sometimes going out to eat can be entertaining. Last night we went out to eat with the Rupperts at the Hubbard Avenue Diner in Middleton. Brian and I both got the fish fry, and we had the option of either 2 or 3 pieces of fish. We both chose 3 pieces. When our dinners came, Brian's plate only had two pieces, while mine had four - two large pieces and two slightly smaller pieces. Of course, Brian wasn't happy. When the waitress finally came back, Brian explained the situation. Now, in the meantime, I had already eaten the two smaller pieces on my plate. So, the waitress looks at Brian's plate and then mine, and says "Sorry! I'll bring you both out another piece." Yep. Brian eventually got his three pieces, and my three piece dinner turned into a five piece dinner. Go figure. [8:28 AM] post a comment 7.11.2002 A fan just blew up here in the apartment, so now the computer room smells like burning. Time to open a window. I found out today that Barnes & Nobel has something really cool now. In the music section you can go to a listening kiosk and scan in the bar code to any CD in the store and listen to it. They only play clips (maybe 30 or 45 seconds), but the sound is a lot better than what you get online. Really neat. Haven't heard anything yet about the job at TDS. Just waiting... [3:36 PM] post a comment 7.05.2002 Well, warranty or not, the car repairs were totally free. A pleasant surprise. That was nice. As I forgot to mention in my last post, last night we saw Men In Black II at the drive-in. It was ok, but seemed a bit flat overall - I was never very drawn into the movie. Some nice jokes here and there, but not very much suspense. A few nights ago we went to Waunakee to do laundry and hang out. After hooking all the A/V equipment back up (Mark better be happy), we watched Ghost World. While the ending was a bit lacking in my opinion, I liked the movie. The characters seemed very real. Not your typical Hollywood fare. I'd say go rent it. Tonight we had the strangest waiter at Houlihans. When we asked for some more natural sugar for our iced tea, we were told "Well, that sugar doesn't dissolve in iced tea." I think we are just a magnet for strange wait staff. It seemed like we were doing good avoiding them for awhile, though. Not much else to speak of, I don't think. [11:22 PM] post a comment It's been a fun week. Sunday we went to Milwaukee to see Narf and Pauline. It was good to see them, as usual. On Monday we went up to Noah's Ark for the afternoon. We were actually going to go to Summerfest, but it was too damn hot, and we didn't want to have to leave Madison by 9 anyway (to get our hands stamped). We only ended up spending a few hours (four, maybe?) at Noah's Ark, but it was certainly enough. Coming back to Madison Amy and I were both really drained. And a bit sunburned, although not too bad. Somehow I only got sunburned where I put sunscreen. Go figure. After dinner that night my car decided to die again. The alternator and battery were replaced last November, and sure enough, the alternator died again. Which in turn killed the battery. Luckily both are covered under warranty. Unfortunately, I don't think labor is. Damn. Yesterday we went to Milwaukee to the Zoo for my cousin's wedding reception. A very casual affair - essentially a picnic. Not too much planned for this weekend, although I guess we're going to hit State Street today. Well I suppose I should get going... [11:01 AM] post a comment |
![]() Vital stats: DOB 2/16/79. I'm a web developer at the Wisconsin Department of Corrections. I like lots of old music, including The Who. I spend a lot of time working with computers. And my favorite TV show (when I actually decide to watch TV, that is), obviously, is The Simpsons. Education: In May 2002 I officially graduated from the University of Wisconsin with a BS in computer science. In 1997 (man that seems like a long time ago) I graduated from Washington Park HS. Yes, I know, that site isn't very impressive, and no, I haven't touched it for several years. ![]() WFS: One of the best experiences I have ever had was on a trip called Western Field Studies. This is a 33 day adventure throughout the western United States. Students travel on a school bus to national parks, monuments, forests, and places of historical interest and camp out (in tents or under the stars). I was a part of trip 25, which took place in the summer of 1996. A first for WFS was we took along a laptop computer and kept up a web site. That link will take you to the 1996 site, where there is a link to the current site. |